
Pledge of Resistance

Statement of Conscience


Organizing Materials

What You
Can Do




In the



Nat'l Days of Resistance
October 6 Report
Central Park, NYC

From New York (‘ground zero’) the message was loud and clear: Not In Our Name! The East Meadow of Central Park was filled with a spirit of defiance and determination – over 25,000 people stood together, firmly, and resolutely to pledge resistance. Together we pledged to resist the Bush Administration’s endless war, detentions and roundups, and attacks on civil liberties.

Veterans of the anti-war movement of the 60’s came together with many young people—from Kent State, Antioch College, Hampshire College, Swarthmore College, Temple University, Bryn Mawr College, Oberlin College, and New York City high schools. We heard stories from Masuda Sultan, who lost 19 members of her extended family to US bombs dropped in Afghanistan and a wife whose husband was detained for nine months by INS before getting deported. Several people whose family members were lost at the WTC on 9/11 made moving statements. People brought banners such as “Ohio says: Not In Our Name” “Oberlin Against the War.”

More than a few respected artists came out to stand with the people on this day, including Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Martin Sheen and David Byrne. Saul Williams captivated the audience with a powerful new poem.

Twenty five youth led the twenty five thousand gathered in taking the Pledge of Resistance. Randall Hamud, a lawyer from San Diego who has been on the frontlines fighting for post-9/11 detainees through all 243 pages of the US Patriot Act into the crowd who then ripped it to shreds. Other speakers included Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, a statement by Meg Bartlett -a ‘ground zero’ EMS worker, Laura Flanders of New Yorkers Say No to War, Leslie Cagan, and Ron Daniels of the Center for Constitutional Rights led the crowd to chant “Not In Our Name! Not In Our Name!” The image of the earth was everywhere – on flags, t-shirts, placards.

The whole event ended with thousands gathered in a circle to represent the world and held up images of the world while playing Saul Williams new song, “September 12”, with the crowd chanting “No, Not In My Name.” (http://www.notinournamemusic.com/).

Photos contributed by David Vita and Naeem Mohaiemen.

Not in Our Name MSN Photo Gallery

Oznik.com Photos



Not in Our Name

NO War Without Limits
NO Detentions & Round-ups
NO Police State Restrictions